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Flower Essences - Don't Leave Home Without Them!

Now that you have your personal medicine cabinet, what do you do with it? Well, first and foremost, you learn how to use it! This article will speak to the flower essences that may be helpful when traveling. 

Before I travel, I pack a few flower essences that can be used whenever I feel a glitch manifesting in my body. Flower essences are one of nature’s answers to help balance an emotional glitch quickly and efficiently.

Our bodies lead the way through physical symptoms. A physical symptom is a language. One’s ability to interpret this language can help decide which remedy might help shift an unhealthy cellular response to a healthy one.

These are the flower essences I never leave home without. I have learned that the sooner I recognize the glitch through a physical symptom, the faster I can heal it with the help of the flowers.

Flower Essence

Physical Symptoms

Emotional Imbalances

Chakra Connection


Bloating, Swelling, Urinary issues, hip/knee pain, mental torment, cold sores

Disappointment; guilt; shame; regrets, inability to express one’s thoughts and feelings freely

1st chakra - identity. Ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings without fear of upsetting others


Throat irritation; muscular pains, jaw & teeth issues; thyroid

Control; judgements; irritation; criticism; rigidity 

5th chakra - freedom and flexibility to move about through life 


Lower back pain

Feelings of being overwhelmed; too much to do, not enough time to do it in

7th chakra -  Recognizing everything has its own time and space


Gall bladder; pancreas

Fear to fail; fear to make a mistake; fear of being judged; fear of rejection

3rd chakra - Confidence, safety and security within one’s self. Feeling good about what one knows and what one does not know.


Anxiety, digestive issues

Feeling anxious and traumatized from life’s lessons

3rd chakra - The ability to learn from one’s lessons in life. The courage to be who one came to be in this lifetime.

White Chestnut


Obsessive/scattered thoughts; excessive worry; sleeplessness; coldness, numbness, tingling in extremities

7th chakra - a calm and relaxed mind.


Imbalance in the mucus membranes - sinus, head colds, allergies, headaches from clogged mucus membranes

Resentment, bitterness, blame, victim

6th chakra - forgiveness, acceptance, allowing, appreciating

Rescue Remedy

Physical and emotional trauma

Injuries, bruising, muscle pain, stored trauma

Helps the body begin the process of releasing trauma and fear attached to the experience

These are a few of the flower essences, I never leave home without. There are many more flower essences that can help us heal as we go through life’s experiences. You can learn what they are used for here:

The more comfortable you are using them, the faster you can move old energy out of your way. 

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