Bill and I arrived in Montserrat 13 years ago. At the time, the volcano was still active. Many people lost their homes, their businesses, their way of life. Everything they thought was real no longer existed. They had to start anew.
Those who lived through the volcano remember better times on this island. They continue to reminisce about the villages that were buried and the homes they will never see again. Yet, there are those who have no memory of that past at all. They only know what is here now. They were born after all was said and done.
We did not know the Montserrat of the past. We too arrived after all was said and done. Food was scarce. Finding a head of local lettuce or a bag of local carrots was a moment to celebrate. Chips and salsa set off an alarm announcing to friends and family to get to the market immediately before they were sold out. These little moments brought a smile to our faces. How silly we felt in the midst of such chaos over such trivial things.
It was difficult to explain to those who lived in the land of plenty. I know the world understands now. Montserrat taught me there is hope for a brighter future.
From the ashes new homes were built and new businesses were opened. Ten years ago, the volcano erupted for the final time (we hope), and we are all very grateful. Yet, I still get excited to see the local lettuce and the local carrots. If the markets’ coolers are filled with fresh vegetables, my heart is happy. We’ll eat good this week.
Each year gets better and better. I can now find organic chips, organic beans and organic granola. And the other day I came across organic blue agave! I feel blessed.
This little island survived and taught us to appreciate what we have instead of focusing on what we do not have.
We are all learning a new way of being together. We will not return to the past; we are being catapulted to the future by way of the NOW; and it is a very big push indeed. Obviously, the path we were on was not a healthy one; we all knew it, yet we could not seem to get off it. We were stuck in the muck. This is an opportunity to heal all there is - the air, the water, the land, the animals and us, humankind.
All good things take time, energy and patience. Can we be patient? Can we take the time to witness this change without fearing it? Can we move beyond the fear and into love? For I truly believe love awaits us on the other side.
Once the fog has cleared and the veil has lifted, we just may enjoy this new way of being. We may realize:
That spending time with our children makes us smile.
That working from home allows us more time with our families.
That being with our families is where we’ve always wanted to be.
You now have the time you’ve always dreamed of and spoken about. There is nowhere to go but right where you are. Be together. Be present. Be happy.
If we believe nothing is by chance…then is it possible this is all part of a divine plan? For those who have been healing, this is the test of your faith. All the work you have done moving beyond your fear, anger, disappointment and guilt will come in handy right now. Use your flower essences as you feel the need for them. Teach others the magic of vibrational healing if they are willing to learn. Share your wisdom and knowledge. The world needs teachers and leaders just like you.
If this is the good vs. evil scenario that has been prophesized over the millennium, I trust that love will overcome the fear if we have the courage to remember who we are: spiritual beings ready to help heal the Earth. Be the spiritual being you came to be. Choose to love through all of it.
Or you too can choose to succumb to the power of the fear that surrounds you, knowing that the fear will take you into the abyss, which by the way is overflowing right now. I’m not sure if there is room for you there at the moment anyway.
However, should you find you’ve slipped and fallen into the abyss, I hope you remember that you are free to leave at anytime simply by recognizing you are there, honoring that you stumbled and choosing to get out. How? By realizing that love is waiting to surround you. What can you love at that moment? Think it, speak it, become it. Become the love you are.
Your friends and families may turn to you for guidance at this time. Be there for them in love. Show them the way. It is as easy to love as it is to fear. I hope you choose love.
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