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Insecurity, Arrogance, Confidence - What's in your third chakra?

 Insecurity – I am afraid to know and I need someone to tell me what I think I should know.

Arrogance – I know what I know and everyone needs to know what I know.

Confidence – I know what I know and it does not matter if anyone agrees with me.

These three energies all have the potential to reside together in the third chakra. The third chakra, called the solar plexus, is connected to the digestive center and the glands and organs that surround it. This is where we store our fears and frustrations. 

Confidence is the balanced state of the third chakra. Confidence is decisive, secure and safe. Confidence knows what it knows, having no need for anyone else to know, agree or justify its existence. 

When the third chakra is out of balance, insecurity and arrogance may override confidence. We may swing from one side to the other, avoiding the center. Oftentimes, we may jump between these three energies. In vibrational healing, we strive to enter the state of confidence; a sense of knowing thyself. 

Insecurity is on the far left of this pendulum swing. When insecure, we don’t think we know anything. We need others to tell us what we know.  We become indecisive and filled with doubt.

Insecurity feeds our fears of failure and rejection, which can lead to the fear to make a mistake. Without mistakes, how would we learn and grow? Of course we have all had moments of these fears. It is when these fears become us that our third chakra becomes traumatized and immobilized.

On the far right side of confidence waits arrogance. Arrogance knows what it knows and everyone else has to know for arrogance to be satisfied. Arrogance has a need to feel superior in an attempt to hide one’s own insecurities. Arrogance is fed by sparking insecurity in others.  

Arrogance and insecurity play well together.  Prove arrogance wrong and insecurity jumps up to take over until arrogance can regain its strength. Confidence will wait in the center as we learn to recognize these imbalances in ourself and eventually choose to heal them.

Healing the third chakra is essential to building a strong foundation built upon certainty. By moving away from insecurity and arrogance and finding the center of confidence, we ground our sense of knowing by removing all doubt of who we came to be.

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