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An Invitation to join me in Bedford NH for a day of healing through the chakras

The Chakra Personalities Workshop at Living Light in Bedford NH 
has been cancelled due to illness. I apologize for any inconvenience. 
We hope to reschedule this workshop in Spring of 2015. 
Thank  you for your understanding. 

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Twenty years ago, I became perplexed over the chakras’ purpose in healing. They felt etheric and mysterious, inaccessible within the human realm. I was determined to unravel their mystery with the intent to more easily and gently heal our self of our earthly pains and traumas. What I witnessed was remarkable.

The chakras are a spiritual guidance system with a language all their own. As I learned the language of the chakras, the personality inherent in each one was clearly defined. These personalities function as our spiritual barometers and are directly aligned to our life challenges. We are each bound to one of these personalities to help steer us toward inner peace.  

The Chakra Personalities Workshop is designed to open our hearts to the possibility that we, as human beings, have the innate ability to heal our 'self' through vibrational energies patiently waiting to be recognized, accepted and honored. It is in this moment of recognition that we begin the co-creative process to health and well being.

I am happy to share my knowledge and expertise during this enlightening 4-hour workshop:

Saturday, September 13 at LIVING LIGHT in Bedford, NH

To introduce you to this new way of healing, I am offering a FREE Introduction to the Chakra Personalities Workshop:

Friday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. at Living Light 

It just may change the way you think about healing. For more information about this workshop and the FREE seminar, please click on the link below:

I look forward to meeting you at Living Light.

Linda Wojcik, Flower Practitioner 

Nutritional Kinesiologist, Spiritual Intuitive 

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